Academic Advising

In the Admissions Office’s experience, most students from the UK do not have different or unusual transition issues or special advising needs. That said, students can take advantage of the strong support system in place for their academic, personal and social concerns. Full details can be found on the ‘Advising’ page of the Harvard College website.

First-Year (Freshman) Advising

The goals of first-year advising are to help students make the transition from secondary school to uni, and to help sort out their educational experience. All incoming first-year students start out with a network of advisers who serve as the chief initial resources for academic and non-academic advice:

Second-year (Sophomore) advising

The goals of sophomore advising are to support students as they focus on their academic interests, and to help them make successful transitions into their Houses and their chosen concentrations.

Concentration Advising

Once a student declares a concentration at the end of the third semester, the concentration adviser assumes primary academic advising responsibility for the student.

Advising Network Portal

The portal is an online tool which displays a student’s formal network of advisers in one place, with photos and e-mail links. Students also use the portal to gain access to their course enrolment, placement scores, grades, and other information.