Harvard Outreach Newsletter
106th Issue, June 2022
In this issue:
- School Visits Programme – book now for the autumn term
- Reception for the Harvard Class of 2026
- Important information if you are applying to US colleges next year
School Visits Programme – book now for the autumn term
After a two year absence, our live school presentations will recommence from September 2022
Apart from an occasional live visit squeezed in between the various Covid lockdowns, all of our school talks have been delivered remotely for the last two years. But from September 2022, we will start live visits again and all talks will be delivered in person.
Our school presentation is entitled ‘Study in the USA – Is it for you?’ and its aim is to provide accurate information about the US higher education system, using Harvard as an example, so that students are fully aware of the opportunities available to them and can make informed choices. The talk covers the following topics:
- Differences between US and UK higher education
- How to research US colleges and find those that fit well with a student’s needs and abilities
- Financial aid – ‘need-blind’ admissions and need-based financial support
- Application process to US colleges: Common Application Form; student essays; standardised tests; school reports; alumni interviews
- Life on campus: academic study and extracurricular activities
- What opportunities does a top US college provide after graduation?
The presentation takes 40 minutes plus time for questions – a total length of 45-60 minutes. The content is most suitable for students in the following year groups:
Years 11 & 12 (England and Wales)
S4 & S5 (Scotland)
Years 12 & 13 (Northern Ireland)
Parents, teachers and university advisers are also welcome to attend.
To request a visit
Send an email to school visits co-ordinator Stuart Gordon s.gordon@post.harvard.edu giving the name and location of your school and roughly when you would like us to come. Presentations can be arranged at any time of day or evening to suit your school. We welcome requests from both teachers and students, but if you are a student, the request must be made with the knowledge and approval of the appropriate member of staff (the Head of Sixth Form or the teacher in charge of university applications).
We look forward to seeing you, particularly if we have never been to your school or college before.
Reception for the Harvard Class of 2026
On 19th June the Harvard Club of the UK held a reception to welcome UK students admitted to the Harvard Class of 2026, who will begin their undergraduate studies in August. The reception was kindly hosted by Scott Mead (Harvard Class of 1977) in his photographic studio in West London. Examples of his work were displayed on the walls and provided a colourful and relaxing atmosphere where the students could get to know their future classmates.
This year’s admits were soon chatting with each other excitedly and swapping stories and contact details. Friendships made at university always have a very special quality and it was heartening to observe the first social interactions between young people who will ultimately become lifelong friends. They will have no problem arranging their holidays for the next 30 years!
The parents who came along enjoyed chatting with each other just as much as their offspring, and appreciated the opportunity to compare notes with other parents who are supporting their children through their university years.
Here are some photos taken at the event:
Important information if you are applying to US colleges next year
This information is relevant for students in these year groups:
Year 12 (England & Wales) S5 (Scotland) Year 13 (N. Ireland)
If you are still researching which US colleges you want to apply to in the autumn, make sure you have identified your final shortlist by 1st August when the online application forms go live. You can apply to as many colleges as you like, but a shortlist of 5-8 colleges is typical.
Be sure to read the July and August editions of this newsletter.
The July issue will contain information on the main two application methods, the Common Application Form and the Coalition for College, together with tips and resources for students, teachers and recommenders.
The August issue will provide an introduction to the Student Essay that is part of the application process for US colleges, and show how it differs from the UCAS Personal Statement required when applying to UK universities. A full list of essay titles will be provided, together with guidelines about how to answer them.
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